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Aleksa Alaska, raw & introspective talent


Our friends from the tplt collective, make us discover the universe of an artist through a mix and an interview. 

The talented Aleksa Alaska reveals a part of her raw and industrial universe by articulating various esoteric aesthetics. Accustomed to dj booths, resident of Noods Radio, the young Romanian juggles with lascivious waves that intermingle and zigzag around evil drums for an hour.


tplt : Hi Alexa, what’s up now ?

Aleksa Alaska : Hi guys ! It’s 10 am and I am sitting in a coffee shop, having a second coffee and going through my music for the weekend. Heading home after to start packing for Berlin where I’ll be playing Tresor for the second time.


tplt : At the moment, what are your main influences ? What were they younger ?

Aleksa Alaska : Lately, I’ve been spending a lot of time alone, almost isolated from the world. This  made me pay more attention to myself, my thoughts and feelings. I can easily say what influences me most right now is my own inner world. Took a break from spending so much time on social media looking at what others are doing and started focusing more on who I am and what I want to do. When I was younger I was paying more attention to my surroundings, getting inspiration from everything that wasn’t myself. As opposed to then, now I have multiple ‘life filters’ turned on, I am more selective with what I choose to be influenced by or draw my inspirations from.


tplt : Is there some good records stores in Bucharest ? Do you like to dig music alongside your gigs ?

Aleksa Alaska : Top of mind are Fonoteca Paradis (which is a monthly fair), Misbits (if you’re into the ‘rominimal’ sound) and MadPiano. To be honest I am not a vinyl collector and the only place I’m digging for music is the world wide web, the information superhighway !


tplt : What were the conditions when you recorded this podcast ? Is it influenced by something in particular ?

Aleksa Alaska : This podcast is more like a mixtape, 100% listening material, made with my current favorite tracks chosen from my phone which I have tried to put together in an effortless yet coherent way.



tplt : What is the most important for you in a mix ? What do you pay the most attention to ?

Aleksa Alaska : The best moments to choose tracks for a set is by listening to music on shuffle while doing something else, like cleaning my flat, shopping or walking. If a particular track catches my attention and sparks something in me, then I know I’ll have to use it and I start imagining the context in which I should play it. Sometimes it takes me months to actually use it, but no track in my favs folder remains unused.


tplt : Your resolution in 2016 was to record mixes and upload them on the web, what is your resolution for 2019 in terms of music ?

Aleksa Alaska : Haha, true. And now one of them is to record fewer podcasts and focus more on my gigs, which require a lot of time, as I have this habit of making a new playlist for every gig. I’ve also started a label with my friend Myn which will launch in a few months.


tplt : Between your gigs, your Subterranean Modern residence on Noods and the podcasts, how do you organize your music (on your USB key or in your bag) ?

Aleksa Alaska : Playlists. By month, by genre, by tempo. The only material I keep on my USB sticks is what I play in clubs. On my phone, I have mostly slower and experimental music to which I listen to while doing stuff and will later use it in podcasts. I need to hear the tracks in different places and contexts in order to organize them. At home, everything sounds different because I am more focused on it. Sometimes I need distractions because that’s how 99% of people listen to podcasts, while doing something else or/and being distracted.


tplt : Finally, what are your future projects ?

Aleksa Alaska : As I’ve mentioned above, from a musical perspective I will be focusing more on my gigs and the label. Also started doing graphic design for some labels and events. I’m always trying to do something new. Other than music I feel like this new year started with a lot of creative energy and drive to go back into visual arts, which is what I’ve studied in university. I am currently confident and driven enough to use this energy and bring to life some artistic projects that I’ve had in mind for years, but I didn’t get around to for various reasons.

Interview by Lucas Pierrot.