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Autry or Veja ?

The annoucement of the return of the american sneaker brand from Dallas, Autry Shoes, after being inactive for 20 years has been heard by all the sneakers fan around the world.

autry or veja

This was possible thanks to its new owner Alberto Raengo and his associate Régis Billard. The american label has known a huge success during the 80’s and the 90’s by being classified as the best sneakerof the year by Tennis Magazine.

After the death of its owner in 2009, the old school brand has been able to come back to life because of the ingeniosity of the new associates who has allowed to add a touch of modernity and fashion adapted to the tendencies to the most classical unisex sneakers of Autry Shoes.
Alberto Raengo and his two business associates Gino Zarelli and Marco Doro has vowed to transform the Autry label in a modern lifestlye brand. The label has also started to sell other products in addition to their sneakers such as tee shirts, hoodies and sweaters.


Veja, which means “watch” in portugese is a french sneaker brand created by François Ghislain Morillon and Sebastien Kopp. The biggest caracteristic of the brand ? Its devotion to propose a pair of sneakers with an ethical and ecofriendly approach which is also inspired by fashion and current trends.

The will of the creators to create a company that respects human rights and sustainability has allowed the brand Veja to succeed where many have failed.

The fabrication process occurs in Brazil, the models are composed mainly by cotton and bio rubber.

An idealogy based on morals and ethics

Veja doesn’t just limit themselves to be a brand that promotes moral codes and ethics, the brand is entirely based on this concept. In addition to have a production process that has no impact on the environment, the company chosen to use only ecological ways of transporting their products across the world by only using boats instead of planes.

Their energy supplier is “Enercoop” the only 100% green energy supplier.

veja vs autry

One style, two approaches

The visions of the two labels are pretty similar, it can be seen in the retro vintage designs presents on both low tops shoes. They also shares the same will to produce a high quality shoe, desirable for the buyers and respecting the rules and norms. Autry Shoes is a brand that is oriented towards streetwear, but is also destined to athletes looking for a light, flexible and solid sneaker.

The minimalist unisex shoes of the brand from Dallas can be adjusted with all styles, originally destined to men only, it didn’t stop the brand from having a massive success among the women with its very american and simple style. The sneaker can be worn while walking in town, for sports and for work. The sneaker collection offered by Autry includes a variety of sneakers with different styles.

While there are many choices, it's important to choose a pair that suits you, both aesthetically and comfortably. With our "How to size Autry" guide, you'll have no more doubts. 
Some models can be idientified to Nike’s iconic Air Force standard such as the Autry Is23, the Is33 and the AutryII15. Then we have ther models that can rivalize with the Air Force I Bicolor like the Autry Wb13, Wb12 and the ce01 mid open. Some others shoes were also based on the award-winning sneaker Medalist.

All these items are available in store and online.

Ecological sneakers

The shoes are ethical and sustainable, and already sold all around the world from the US, to Japan and France. They managed to do all that without any commercials. The Veja brand is committed not to invest in any forms of commercials in order to limit the cost of fabrication as much as possible.

Their biggest promotional shot was when Meghan Markle came at a regate in Autsralia with a pair of Veja, 3 days later they were already on the top 3 research on internet. The most noteable sneakers from Veja are the Veja Roraima Suede Olive Black with mutliple colorways ( brown and dune ), the Rio Branco Ripstop and the SDU B-Mesh worn by a lot of people because of its casual and elegant style.


It is hard to tell you which one of thoese brands is the best. We think the choice needs to be subjectively made, if you care about the environment and ecology you should probably take a look at Veja’s sneakers. On the other hand if you are more oriented towards the american culture you might find what you are searching for at Autry’s. 

To make your choice, you can also find out where the Autrys come from, thanks to our article "Where are the Autrys made?". Both brands offer high quality shoes at an affordable price, and sneakers with a vintage and streetwear style and a multitude of designs, so you can't go wrong with either choice!

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